A Swiss Recap...


20111005-232237.jpgI'm updating the blog a little.  The information below was on the 'Where on Earth...?' page but is only relevant to the ride to Switzerland a couple of years ago.  So here it is as a final post in the set from that ride.  The 'Where on Earth...?' page should now just show the location of any recent little (or big) adventures from my SPOT GPS tracker,So, at the end of the trip to Switzerland - here is a little day by day detail of the route taken...25 Aug - Home to Liverpool St Station - 10 miles26 Aug - Hook of Holland via Rotterdam to Dordrecht (Rhine Bike Route) - 42 miles; 52 total27 Aug - Dordrecht to Wijk bij Duurstede (Rhine Bike Route) - 66 miles; 118 total28 Aug - Wijk bij Duurstede to Millingen (Rhine Bike Route) - 47 miles; 165 total29 Aug - Millingen to Xanten (Rhine Bike Route) - 40 miles; 205 total30 Aug - Xanten to Duisburg (Rhine Bike Route) - 40 miles; 245 total31 Aug - Day off in Duisburg1 Sept - Duisburg to Koln (Rhine Bike Route) - 58 miles; 303 total2 Sept - Koln to Koblenz (Rhine Bike Route) - 65 miles; 368 total3 Sept - Day off in Koblenz4 Sept - Day off in Koblenz5 Sept - Day off in Koblenz6 Sept - Koblenz to Reichensten (Rhine Bike Route) - 53 miles; 421 total7 Sept - Reichensten to Oppenheim (Rhine Bike Route) - 44 miles; 465 total8 Sept - Oppenheim to Speyer (Rhine Bike Route) - 60 miles; 525 total9 Sept - Speyer to Karlsruhe (Rhine Bike Route) - 41 miles; 566 total10 Sept - Karlsruhe to Pforzheim - 30 miles; 596 total11 Sept - Pforzheim to Wildberg (mostly off-road in the Black Forest) - 33 miles; 629 total12 Sept - Wildberg to Freundenstadt (mostly off-road in the Black Forest) - 35 miles; 664 total13 Sept - Freundenstadt to Steinach (mostly off-road in the Black Forest) - 34 miles; 698 total14 Sept - Steinach to Waldkirch (mostly off-road in the Black Forest) - 24 miles; 722 total15 Sept - Waldkirch to Titisee (mostly off-road in the Black Forest) - 39 miles; 761 total16 Sept - Day off in Titisee17 Sept - Titisee to Basel (on road through the Black Forest) - 54 miles; 815 total18 Sept - Day off in Basel19 Sept - Day off in Basel20 Sept - Day off in Basel21 Sept - Basel to Laufen (off road on the Swiss Jura Mountain Bike Trail) - 21 miles; 836 total22 Sept - Laufen to Delemont (off road on the Swiss Jura Mountain Bike Trail) - 22 miles; 858 total23 Sept - Delemont to Montmelon (off road on the Swiss Jura Mountain Bike Trail) - 30 miles; 888 total24 Sept - Montmelon to Saignelegier (off road on the Swiss Jura Mountain Bike Trail) - 18 miles; 906 total25 Sept - Saignelegier to La Chaux-De-Fonds (off road on the Swiss Jura Mountain Bike Trail) - 30 miles; 936 total26 Sept - La Chaux-De-Fonds to Creux du Van (off road on the Swiss Jura Mountain Bike Trail) - 42 miles; 978 total27 Sept - Creux du Van to Ste Croix (off road on the Swiss Jura Mountain Bike Trail) - 22 miles; 1000 total28 Sept - Day off in Ste Croix29 Sept - Ste Croix to Le Sentier (off road on the Swiss Jura Mountain Bike Trail) - 31 miles; 1031 total30 Sept - Le Sentier to Nyon (off road on the Swiss Jura Mountain Bike Trail) - 34 miles; 1065 total1 Oct - Nyon - Vevey (Swiss Bike Route No 1) - 42 miles; 1107 total2 Oct - Day off in Vevey3 Oct - Vevey to Chateau d'Oex (Swiss Lakes Bike Route No 9) - 45 miles; 1152 total4 Oct - Chateau d'Oex to Leissigen (Swiss Lakes Bike Route No 9) - 50 miles; 1202 total5 Oct - Leissigen to Lucerne (Swiss Lakes Bike Route No 9) - 63 miles; 1265 total6 Oct - Lucerne to Unterageri (Swiss Lakes Bike Route No 9) - 34 miles; 1299 total7 Oct - Unterageri to Murg (Swiss Lakes Bike Route No 9) - 52 miles; 1351 total8 Oct - Murg to St Gallen (Swiss Lakes Bike Route No 9) - 72 miles; 1423 totalThat last day was a killer.  I opted to take the long route along the valley rather than head over the hills which were cold and snowy.  My body couldn't warm up, my muscles were tight, the wind was blowing and the last ten miles were all uphill.  As I got to St Gallen, my friend Sean was watching my location on the SPOT tracker site and came down to the end of his road to meet me at exactly the point that I was arriving!  The wonder of technology.  The road to Sean's flat is uphill and I wouldn't stop riding until I could go no further as I knew that if I stopped I wouldn't be able to start again. So poor Sean had to jog along beside me whilst trying to say hello whilst I just swore to myself and tried to eek out the last few metres that I could manage...